Bachelor Party Ideas for Wedding Season

Bachelor Party Ideas for Wedding Season

The day has finally come, your best friend is getting married. Now it’s your time to shine as the best man because that’s why the bachelor party exists, right? Before you delve into whatever alcohol you’ll end up hating by the end of the party, you’ve got to start with the logistics. It’s the “not so fun” part if you’re not a Type A person, but still necessary.

Bachelor Party Logistics

Everyone knows just how difficult it is to schedule a dinner for just one night, much less than an all-day affair or even a weekend getaway

Ask yourself and the groom these questions:

  • When should it be? You should determine the date of the bachelor party first before anything else so the others can make sure that they’re free for that block of time. 
  • What’s the budget? Everyone wants something exciting for their bachelor party, but not everyone can afford a getaway to Cuba.

Be sure to have a back-up plan or alternative just in case the others might not agree with your initial idea. You might think you’re doing a perfect job, but no one’s perfect without a little constructive criticism.

  • How long will the party last? Will it be a night out, an all-day adventure, or a weekend trip to an all-inclusive resort?
  • How many people will be joining? Does the groom want a big party or a small, intimate hang out with his choice friends?

The answer to this question may help with the length of the bachelor party. A Friday night out with all the boys is easier to manage than a trip away because work schedules exist.

The earlier you can book everyone’s time is better. You can also weed out the flakes by setting a deadline – no exceptions!

  • Strippers or no strippers? The cliché bachelor party usually involves a strip club or a private stripper. Have the groom decide what he prefers and be sure to book a table or a girl for the night.

Bachelor Party Ideas:

Here are a few ideas to consider for your party that goes further than a steak dinner and a night at the club (unless that’s exactly what you want):

  • Poker night with unlimited beer
  • Cliff-diving after a long hike
  • Bar hopping while playing drinking games
  • A LAN party
  • A cottage trip
  • Rent dirt bikes

A Bachelor Party to Remember

Don’t put too much pressure on yourself while planning. At the end of the day, whether you go big or small, your goal is to make sure the groom has a good time with his friends before his wedding.

This could look like lounging at a resort and day-drinking or it could be a paintball fight before a delicious steak dinner with more shots than you can imagine.

Be the Best Best Man Ever

If you want to go the extra mile, you can make little post-bachelor-party survival kits that have:

  • Mints,
  • Mouthwash,
  • Nausea medication (Tums, Pepto Bismol),
  • Chocolate bar,
  • Eye mask,
  • Bottle of water

Just remember to be smart, safe, and not too hungover for Monday morning at work.